lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Respect is something that we learn when we are young. Most of us learned to respect everyone's choices or decisions, but not all of us do it when we feel secure to criticize someone's decisions.
This summer I was walking with my boyfriend on the beach, when five or six twats turned back when they realized we were holding hands. They began to yell at us things like 'fags', one of them said: 'Oh my god, why?!', and I thought: why what? Why are you such an asshole, or why do not love yourself enough to love other people's life? I assumed he was straight (or a gay that it's still in the deepest side of his closet), and I respect that as I should be respected for being happy. 
It happened again while we were shopping, a girl and two boys, all of them were black-colored skin, starred at us and also screamed at us something that I did not want to understand. So I just think, you were probably bullied for being black (and I am not being racist), you understand that you are black and you understand that you are human, so why do you treat other people like you were treated if you were not happy being treated like that? Why do you want to make unhappy other people? You are black. I am homosexual. Both of us are human.
I just try to respect everyone as much as they respect me, and I wonder what would happen if heterosexuality would be treated as homosexuality. 
Here you can watch a little video where you can feel the same as I felt when I was a child, and the same as I feel when I go out pretending to be happy in an unhappy society. 

1 comentario:

  1. Some of my friends have also had to put up with stupid people like the ones you mention here. I can only pity them for living in a cage. Fortunately, the world is bigger and brighter and more diverse than they think. You know what? I am very proud of you being honest and showing what you think and feel publicly. I think that visibility is quite important. So, everytime you hold your lover's hand in public, you are contributtng to create a more open society : -)

    By the way, I would like to recommend an author who has fought for LGTB rights all her life. Her name is Judith Butler and she has written interesting books on gender. I don't think you will have time to read this stuff now, but you might enjoy it in the future. Have a look:

    See you soon, my dear.
